Monday, September 10, 2007
Is it just me???
I feel like I should be writing one of those "top ten" columns. Like top 10 reasons you know you're a redneck, or whatever. This column should probably be entitled "top 10 indications that I'm getting old". I went to a new church this Sunday, one that is within walking distance of Grove City College. I'm not kidding, I think college freshman are now being admitted at the age of 16. I was surrounded by a sea of fashionably dressed midgets. And what is with the lack of independence? A third of the church is sitting empty, and there are probably 25 students crammed in directly behind me and "oh, we need to save seats for Susan, and Troy, and Doug." On one level it did make sense that they could cram into that row because they all seemed so...tiny. Most of the conversations I heard seemed to revolve around things that are not even worth putting into words. Was I ever that vapid??? Don't answer that. [As a side note: one indication that these were Grovers that we were dealing with here (and you Grovers know who you are) was that I heard an entire conversation detailing the grammatical errors in the bulletin. ] So, I walked out feeling a little...old. But, as I watched all of those freshman trudging back to campus in the rain, I felt very thankful for my car, my house, no homework, and best of all, a life outside of the bubble.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Dishing it out
Self-deprecating humor is the mainstay of the stand-up comedian, providing strong fodder for anyone attempting to cover insecurities. On the surface, this seems to be a solid tactic. I usually make light of both my occasional mental slips and the raised volume of my vocal chords before others have the opportunity. This helps break the ice--it lets others know that I am aware of the areas where I fall short of perfection (as minuscule as they may be), and also allows for a good laugh at my expense. My advice to all future comedians is to develop some thick skin (when I say thick, I mean like an elephant-hide thick). If you joke about your thinning hair, you had better be ready for everyone else to comment on it....their witty remarks accompanied by roaring laughter. In my case, if I neglect to see the hilarity when others are commenting on my "built in PA system", I risk looking like a spoilsport. However, for those of you who think that your imperfections will remain unnoticed if you point out others' flaws, please note: Not only do elephants have thick skin, they also have long memories.
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