Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The 401K and Eternity

My coworkers have been hassling me lately about the fact that my desire to retire at 30 years of age does not exactly jive with my nearly empty 401K. Yes, this is a conundrum. I'm wondering if perhaps Jesus will return prior to the need for the 401K arising. All those years of dropping that magic percentage into the big black abyss of the 401K, and then poof--Jesus returns and there is no need for any of it! I am all for saving the future, but sometimes it's a toss up determining if the mad race to amass wealth is really worth it. Will I really be sitting in heaven going," So Peter, I know you were shipwrecked and beaten and all that craziness for the gospel, but did you know that I managed to get my employer to match 5% of my pre-taxed income?" Don't get me wrong--I realize that the mist of social security will have all but evaporated by the time that I am old and decrepit. If the rapture still hasn't occurred when I'm a tottering old women, I do have a back up plan: Korey's 401K.

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